Brunswick County Proposes Changes to Development Approval Process
The Brunswick County Planning Department is working on revisions to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to further streamline and clarify the procedures and requirements. Proposed revisions to the Development Approval process are a key element of this effort. Members of the development community and the public were encouraged to attend a review session in August to discuss the draft Development Approval Proposal (below). If you have specific comments, please contact BASE IMMEDIATELY.
PROPOSED Development Approval Process
Proposed Building Permit Issuance Requirements (existing parcels)
1. All County requirements met and approved by applicable departments.
2. All applicable state and federal approvals/permits obtained. Except as specifically referenced in County ordinances, applicant responsible for ensuring compliance with outside agency requirements.
3. Building permits issued upon substantial completion of required infrastructure improvements.
Option: Issuance of building permit prior to substantial completion of required infrastructure improvements, or obtaining all approvals from outside agencies, subject to:
a. Recorded agreement between County and Owner specifically limiting scope of building permit to shell only.
b. Access acceptable to County Emergency Services for emergency vehicles must be provided.
c. No further building permits beyond shell until substantial completion of required infrastructure improvements.
d. Certification acceptable to the County that required infrastructure improvements will be completed a minimum of thirty days prior to completion of the building.
4. No certificate of occupancy issued until all required improvements completed.
Proposed Subdivision Recordation & Building Permit Issuance Requirements
1. Approval of detailed preliminary subdivision plat, including required plans and specifications, upon meeting all applicable County, State and Federal requirements.
2. Approval of final plat upon completion of required infrastructure improvements, with the exception of the final lift of asphalt. Surety acceptable to the County required in the amount of 150% of the engineer certified cost of the final lift of asphalt.
3. Building permits issued upon approval of final subdivision plat.
Option: Issuance of building permit prior to final plat approval subject to:
a. Approval, or conditional approval, of detailed preliminary subdivision plat.
b. Recorded agreement between County and Owner limiting building permits to no more than two model units.
c. Water and sewer service approved by the County required for certificate of occupancy; must be available in at least one unit on site.
d. Access acceptable to County Emergency Services for emergency vehicles must be provided.
e. Required infrastructure improvements must be substantially complete for additional building permits.
4. Final plat approval and recordation required for transfer of lot ownership.
• Required infrastructure shall mean water, sewer, stormwater, roadway or other improvements shown on the approved plat.
• Substantial completion shall mean water and sewer mains at the property certified by NCDENR and service lines to the building site, pump station 50% complete (if required); stormwater collection and storage facilities 50% complete; base material installed and graded on roadway, parking and driveway areas.
• Shell building shall mean building exterior and basic structural elements (including HVAC system if needed for climate control); and, shall NOT include interior walls (other than load bearing), wiring (other than required for HVAC system or by Fire Marshal), or plumbing (other than sleeve stub outs and fire protection).