Brunswick Co. Public Meeting for updates to Flood Maps
The North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) will be holding a public meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. about the newly released flood hazard and flood risk data on the preliminary Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the areas of Brunswick County. This meeting is hosted by Brunswick County and is regarding the recently updated FIS for portions of Brunswick County flood hazard areas that are affected by this new data. At this meeting residents and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to review the revised data and ask questions of NCFPM staff. The meeting will be held in the Ed Emory Auditorium of the Brunswick County Cooperative Extension Training Center, 25 Referendum Dr., Building N, Bolivia, NC.
The meeting will be conducted as an open house where citizens will have the opportunity to view the preliminary flood hazard data from among a number of computers, and ask staff questions specific to the flood risk of their property. The meeting may also have a brief presentation by NCFMP staff on the flood study update process, how the FIS can be used to reduce future losses due to flooding, and how the preliminary FIS relates to flood insurance and floodplain management. After the presentation, representatives from Brunswick County’s communities and the NCFMP will continue to be available to answer detailed questions and hear concerns. A demonstration may also be given of the North Carolina Flood Risk Information System, a tool allowing the public and local officials to view the new flood hazard data online (
In August 2000, the State of North Carolina established the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP), with a mandate to maintain the flood hazard data and FIS for all counties within the State of North Carolina. In addition, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) entered into an important partnership by designating the State of North Carolina a Cooperating Technical State (CTS). With this designation, North Carolina was given primary responsibility and ownership of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for all North Carolina communities by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).