BASE Hosts new NCDWQ/NCDCM Directors
On March 21st at The Balcony on Dock the Business Alliance for a Sound Economy (BASE) will host the new Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Chuck Wakild, and the new Director of the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, Braxton Davis. We are honored to have both of these speakers on hand as both Mr. Wakild, and Mr. Davis will discuss their role and the importance of their job in the terms of protecting the state’s resources, while at the same time balancing the practical concerns of the regulated business and industry community. Come and take part in what should be an informative discussion on what types of management philosophy both individuals will bring to their departments. Learn first hand what types of objectives and goals both individuals will have in the short term as well as the long term, and learn how they plan to reach them. Hear first hand what types of emerging issues affecting water quality as well as our areas coastal beaches are looming on the horizon. Learn first hand how these goals and objectives could impact your business, and your bottom line.
Who should attend: This event would be ideal for residential and commercial developers, builders, realtors, engineers, attorneys, planners, environmental consultants, local government representatives, and elected officials
Networking Breakfast starts at 8:00 am
Coastal Issues Update Starts at 8:30 am
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