BASE Hosting Wetlands Seminar; Register Now
On June 25th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the New Hanover County Executive Development Center, the Business Alliance for a Sound Economy (BASE) will present a panel discussion:
How Will EPA/USACE Wetland Rule Changes Impact Your Investments?
Jim Spangler Matt Hanchey
Spangler Environmental Hunton & Williams
The EPA and USACE’s joint proposal to the Waters of the United States rule will have a large impact on the future of your investments. BASE has set out to provide our membership and other interested parties an opportunity to hear scenarios that development professionals will face when the rule is enacted.
Panelists will discuss the new changes to the definition of Waters of the United States and how this will expand the EPA/USACE’s jurisdiction. Learn firsthand what environmental professionals see as the impact of this change. Learn what steps need to be taken to combat the proposal in the coming months. Learn what potential measures state regulators will take in implementing the proposed rule here in North Carolina. What measures need to be taken to protect your investments from losing value as a result of the rule?
Panel Discussion: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Q&A: 11:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Ideal for landowners, residential and commercial developers, builders, commercial realtors, engineers, attorneys, bankers and others.
Seats are $15
RSVP to , or call 910-799-2611
For more information on the proposed rule, click here definition-waters-united- states-under-clean-water-act
The American Farm Bureau has created an informative site which explains the impacts on agriculture and land owners.
Additionally, in May, Congressmen McIntyre and Jones joined 229 of their Congressional colleagues in sending a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Army Secretary John McHugh, requesting that the rule be returned to the two agencies. For the full letter click here