Author Archive
15 Oct 2009
Cape Fear Skyway Project Update
The Skyway Project, took center stage on Wednesday as the N.C. Turnpike Authority officials met with the regions Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to discuss the preferred route of the project as well as see if their is enough political muster to see it come to fruition. New Hanover County officials have already taken the necessary
12 Oct 2009
Science Forum on Sea Level Rise
Registration is now open for a Science Forum on Sea Level Rise in North Carolina, presented by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. The forum will feature distinguished speakers from North Carolina, as well as invited speakers from other states. The forum will be the vehicle
12 Oct 2009
City of Wilmington Introduces New Development Review Process
The City of Wilmington is introducing a new Development Concept Plan Review process. In an effort to accommodate developers and site designers in the early stages of a project in help defining key areas of development issues, the new concept plan review process is an opportunity to meet informally with all key city plan reviewers.
06 Oct 2009
UNCW Releases Economic Forecast
The annual 2009 UNCW Economic Outlook Conference (EOC) was held this morning at the UNCW Burney Center. This conference highlights key trends and data, challenges, and opportunities that have and will impact our region economically. Based upon Dr. William “Woody” Halls report the Wilmington areas economy is expected to grow next year at a faster
28 Aug 2009
Governor Signs Coastal Homeowners Insurance Bill
Gov. Beverly Perdue signed HB1305 into law on Wednesday. To see a complete version of this Bill Click Here.
12 Aug 2009
Oceanfront and Static Veg. Line Rules Become Effective
Amendments to the Coastal Resource Commission’s rules governing setbacks for oceanfront structures and static setback lines for communities with large-scale beach nourishment projects will become effective today. For more details please download the attached press release. setback static line press release
06 Aug 2009
HB1305 Update – House Concurs
Late this afternoon the House of Representatives concurred on HB1305 “Beach Plan” and now the bill will head to the Governor’s desk for her review and signature. Click here for a copy of the latest bill.
06 Aug 2009
Pender County Comprehensive Plan Gaining Momentum
As many of you are aware the Pender County Planning Department is working through a complete update of the Counties planning and development regulations and land use plan documents. BASE has been actively involved in many of the discussions and has been steadily working with the planning staff on numerous revisions. We wanted to make
06 Aug 2009
H1305 Changes made on the Senate Floor
– Late Breaking News – HB1305 “Beach Plan” Goes to the Senate Floor HB1305 was read in on the Senate Floor late Wednesday afternoon and passed second and third reading by a vote of 42-5 and will now go back to the House for concurrence. However some last minute amendments were introduced on the Senate
05 Aug 2009
Senate Commerce Approves HB1305 “Beach Plan”
The Proposed Committee Substitute (PCS) for HB1305 was voted favorably out of the standing Senate Commerce Committee this morning and now will head to the Senate Floor and could be heard as early as tomorrow. Governmental Affairs Director Tyler Newman, was on hand for the vote this morning, as he has been throughout this Session,