Carolina Beach Council Adopts Resolution On Proposed Changes To EPA Waters of US Rules

“The Town of Carolina Beach has adopted and maintains policy that opposes legislation to expand Federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act unless the associated costs are born solely and entirely by the Federal government and its agencies and not levied as an unfunded mandate on the public and private sectors” and “much of the anticipated cost of this rule would be financed from municipal resources, and thus divert resources from other essential public services”

The proposed resolution states the Town wants the, “EPA and the Corps of Engineers suspend consideration of the Waters of the U.S. rule until local governments and other stakeholders are engaged in drafting a rule that addresses to the satisfaction of local governments and other stakeholders the full economic impact for all sections of the Clean Water Act beyond Section 404 (e.g. Sections 301, 311, 401, 402); incorporates the conclusions of the Science Advisory Board;, and addresses the concerns of other federal agencies with water management and regulatory responsibilities affected by such a rule.”

Read the full story at the Island Gazette

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