Last Friday, at the request of a letter from BASE Chairman Jeff Stokley, the new Cape Fear Public Utility Authority held an informational meeting for the development community to discuss its newly adopted policies, fees and capacity planning. Significant issues of concern have continued to arise following this meeting. To address these concerns, BASE Chairman and WCFHBA President Jeff Stokley has called a meeting for this THURSDAY, JULY 17th at 9:00 AM at the WCFHBA office to discuss the proposed changes and identify problematic issues.

If you are in commercial or residential construction, developing, building sales or previously conducting business with the engineering departments in New Hanover County or the City of Wilmington, PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING. It is critically important to understand how the Authority’s ordinances and Capacity Management Plan will impact your business. As outlined in the Heads Up! sent on June 11, these policies and fees were hastily adopted at the CFPUA Board Meeting in June without adequate discussion with the development community and will have significant impact on commercial and residential development in the County. Of note are several specific items:

  • New System Development Charges (page 4 of Fee Schedule),  new Plan Review Fees for water and sewer (page 5 of Fee Schedule) and Inspection Fees
  • As outlined in the Capacity Management Program, the Authority will be requiring payment of system development charges (read: impact fees) at the time of approval for the extension of service NOT at the time of building permit (as is currently the policy)
  • The Capacity Management Program calls for “allocation of water and wastewater capacity at the time payment is received” and gives the Authority the right to rescind this allocation if “continual and significant progress” is not made within a 2 ½  year period
  • How will CFPUA address New Hanover County’s revised Guarantees of Improvements (Surety) provision?

To review the CFPUA Fee Schedule, Ordinances and Capacity Program you may download them below.

Appendices A thru D 6-5-08
Utility Regulations and Ordinance – General Provisions 6-5-2008
Capacity Management Plan
CFPUA Fee Schedule

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