Cape Fear Skyway Proposed Draft Route


Project Description/Scope: Construct the Cape Fear Skyway that will link from in the vicinity of US 17 to Independence Boulevard and Carolina Beach Road.

Current Status: On October 28, 2009 the Wilmington MPO’s Transportation Advisory Committee endorsed a resolution supporting the northern alignment and encouraging New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Brunswick County and the Town of Leland to utilize the land use planning tools available to preserve a corridor for the future Cape Fear Skyway. The North Carolina Turnpike Authority provided the finalized the Transportation Corridor Official map for the Cape Fear Skyway on June 9th The City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, Pender County, Town of Carolina Beach and Town of Wrightsville Beach have endorsed resolutions supporting the “gap” funding and corridor preservation.  Senator Boseman introduced Senate Bill 1129 and Representative McComas introduced House Bill 2053 that would provide “gap “funding” for the Cape Fear Skyway. The bills have been referred to committee and no action was taken on the bills during the Legislature’s short session.

Next Step: Work with New Hanover and Brunswick counties, Town of Leland and City of Wilmington to preserve a corridor for the future Cape Fear Skyway from Independence Boulevard/Carolina Beach Road intersection to a location in the vicinity of US 17 and the Wilmington Bypass in Brunswick County. Work with North Carolina delegation to provide the necessary “gap” funding for the construction of the Cape Fear Skyway

(Please bear in mind that the proposed routes are subject to modifications and changes)

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