21st Century Transportation Committee Final Report

The 21st Century Transportation Committee which was established by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives pursuant to G.S. 120-19.6(a1), Rule 31 of the Rules of the Senate of the 2007 General Assembly, and Rule 26(a) of the Rules of the House of Representatives of the 2007 General Assembly has finalized their report that is to be presented back to the General Assembly. This report outlines possible policy changes and recommended funding solutions that could help to improve transportation in the state. Below are a few of the priority areas that were studied. If you would like to review the entire report you may download it below;

  • Ways to improve the transportation systems of the State in order to promote economic growth and ensure that the State can compete and participate in the global economy.
  • Innovative methods to fund the transportation needs of the State, including an examination of traditional and nontraditional methods of financing transportation infrastructure.
  • Priorities of the Department of Transportation, including methods to ensure adequate funding for corridors and projects of statewide significance.
  • Methods to use new and innovative technology to improve the transportation system.
  • Local funding options for transportation.
  • Ways to adequately fund road construction to address urban congestion and to improve mobility.
  • Methods to spend transportation funds in the most effective and cost efficient manner, including ways to use recycled materials, and reuse and recycle road materials.
  • Ways to maintain the continued safety of the current transportation system, including an analysis of the safety and reliability of bridges in the State.
  • The appropriate division of responsibility for transportation infrastructure between State and local government and any federal role in providing transportation infrastructure needs.
  • An examination of the role of ports, airports, mass transit, rail, and pedestrian and cycling access in providing the transportation needs of the State.
  • A review of public transportation needs in urban areas.
  • Methods to encourage fuel conservation and energy conservation in North Carolina.

21st Century Final Report

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