2016 General Election Filing Underway
Candidate filing started December 1 in preparation for the statewide primary on March 15. In addition to the race for President, other contested seats will be for US Congress, NC General Assembly, New Hanover Commissioners (3), Brunswick Commissioners (3), Pender Commissioners (2), Onslow Commissioners (5) and the Connect NC Bond. Brunswick County voters may also be considering a school bond.
For the most up to date list of Brunswick County candidates: http://www.brunswickcountync.gov/elections/files/2015/12/candidate_filing_list_120215.pdf
For the most up to date list of New Hanover County candidates: http://elections.nhcgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/candidate-list-grouped-by-contest.pdf
For the most up to date list of Onslow County candidates: http://www.onslowcountync.gov/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=29432&libID=29372