Pender Collector Street Plan In Process
An efficient transportation network is critically important to the region’s prosperity. However, the Pender County Collector Street Plan needs your attention if you own property or have investments, especially along the Highway 17 corridor. The plan is accelerating quickly toward approval with Planning Board review and update on 2/2, Board of Commissioners Public Hearing on 2/16, Planning Board finalization and recommendation on 3/1 and final adoption by the Board of Commissioners on 3/7
- The map (above) will have a major impact on properties across the county. These impacts need to be communicated to all the potentially impacted landowners.
- As proposed, the plan will impact nearly every new site plan and project in Pender Co. Everyone needs to understand the financial ramifications of TIAs and the subsequent required transportation improvements. This is where the real negotiations start and where projects can be delayed or scuttled due to unreasonable demands based on the scope of the TIA.
There are other issues regarding cost of new Complete Streets, requirement of stormwater BMPs at certain distances, appearing to lower the TIA threshold and prohibiting development in wetlands and floodplains via a transportation document.